Local Businesses and Services
Matys Repair: Automotive Repair Shop 6749 Main St Readsboro VT (802) 423 - 5424 matysrepair@outlook.com
Hazel Catering (802) 380 - 5062
Readsboro General Store www.readsborogeneralstore.com/menu (802) 423 - 5477
Lance Howard, General Contractor (802) 380 - 2038
Berard Truck and Excavating (802) 423 - 5300
Barkus Excavating LLC (802) 423 - 7004
Eilers Bros. Trucking and Excavating Inc. (802) 423 - 5413
Food and Beverage
Readsboro General Store (802) 423 - 5477 www.readsborogeneralstore.com
Readsboro Inn (802) 423 - 7077 https://www.readsboroinnmenu.com/?utm_source=gbp#menu
Health and Fitness
RGS Underground Fitness Studio and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gym in the underground suite of the Readsboro General Store. 6828 Main St Readsboro Vermont 05350
House Cleaning Services
Aleesia Thayer (413) 663 - 4766 aleesiathaye5@gmail.com
GreenLove Eco Cleaning: Eco friendly cleaning service for home, office, and auto. (413) 282 - 7222 info@greenloveclean.com
Landscaping/Garden Care
Down Home Property Care (802) 380-9874 gooflip1984@icloud.com
Maeve Ryan Consulting https://maeveryanconsulting.com
Pet Sitting
Jessica Floyd (413) 373 - 5473 / jessicafloyd1973@gmail.com
Codogni & Son Plumbing and Heating (802) 423 - 7512
Purebred Dog Breeders
Wispynook Poodles: Standard Poodle Breeders, owned by Debbie Calnan and Dianne Bolognani www.wispynookpoodles.com (802) 423 - 7621 (Dianne) (802) 423 - 5155 (Debbie)
Web Design
Maeve Ryan Consulting maeveryanconsulting.com