Below are local organizations working hard on behalf of Readsboro and its residents. If you’re looking to get involved in our community, giving back to these organizations is a great place to start.
Wings Community Programs actively engages students in experiences to help them be successful in school and in life as they grow into productive adults. Wings began in the fall of 2001 under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Wings continues to serve students K-12 primarily through after-school enrichment programing and summer day camps in Halifax, Readsboro, Whitingham, and Wilmington. Click here to learn more!
The Readsboro Fire Department provides fire protection and emergency response services to the Readsboro community.
The Readsboro Fire Department meets the first Monday of every month at The Readsboro Fire House located at 122 School Street Readsboro, Vermont. Prospective volunteers are invited to attend a monthly meeting and fill out paperwork in person.